A lovely day…

I’ve done about 10 minutes of meditation every day for almost two weeks now. Like tracking calories, it has been life changing. I really picked up on just how much so today. This afternoon was crazy and my boss was driving me up the wall by digging her heels in on a new project that is kind of pointless in my opinion. I was hoping to leave work early so I could go run and then get a jump on rush hour traffic to pick up the dog at daycare. Well that didn’t happen and I left almost an hour and a half later than what I wanted. I didn’t get to even change clothes let alone run because I didn’t want to risk being late to day care and, frankly, I was just in a foul mood. I threw up quite a few middle fingers on the road because, for some reason, everyone seemed to be going about 10 mph below the posted speed limit.

I get the dog and as I’m heading home I just feel emotionally shitty. I was frustrated because of work and really upset because I was looking forward to my run and it didn’t happen. All of this made me just want to scream and cry and pretty much throw a temper tantrum to rival a toddler. So what does all this have to do with meditation? Previously, I may have done all those things and while driving which is very dangerous. Instead, I asked myself what I was feeling and why I was feeling it. I didn’t let my emotions run me, I ran them. I identified and checked them and felt better for doing it. Meditation is the quieting of the mind to let clarity come through and, even after just 12 days, it’s working wonders for me.

Today I’m grateful for:

  1. The day being over.
  2. Tomorrow being friday.
  3. No more driving downtown in rush hour…at least until Tuesday.

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